Slide background Trabajamos arduamente para ofrecerle los siguientes servicios: Zapatos para diabéticos Tarjetas ocasionales Notificaciones por texto Vacunas Recargas automáticas Inmunizaciones Consulta de Medicare parte D Empaque de medicamentos Vitaminas Recargas de medicamento Auto-servicio Equipos médicos Servicios de Entregas Locales Envio de medicamentos Recursos del paciente Preparación de medicamentos
Proveyendo la calidad que usted espera de su farmacia.

Si no encuentra un servicio que necesita, por favor dejenos saber para poder ayudarle.


Nuestro Auto-servicio le ofrece una manera conveniente para entregar o recoger sus recetas. Maneje a la ventana del Auto-servicio y alguien le va a asistir. Si tiene preguntas para el farmacéutico, entre a la farmacia para asistirle de mejor manera.

Equipos médicos

Our pharmacy offers an extensive variety of medical equipment and supplies. Our medical equipment may include, but is not limited to:
  • Rollators
  • Wheelchairs
  • Walkers
  • Transport Chairs
  • Bath Safety Products
  • Urinals
  • Cushions
  • Daily Living Aids
If you are in need of any medical equipment or supplies or just have a question, ask a staff member today. Our staff will make it as easy as possible to get the equipment you need, including the billing. We will bill Medicare and most insurance companies.

Servicios de Entregas Locales

For patients who need to refill their medications but may not have the means to travel, Gregg's Pharmacy is proud to offer delivery services for your convenience.

Delivery Pricing:
  • Home Delivery Available for only $6.
  • Out of Town Delivery available for $2 per mile.
Delivery Schedule 2022

Envio de medicamentos

Si usted no puede viajar, ¡nosotros podemos manderle su medicamento a su puerta! ¡Simplemente seleccione su método de entrega, con su petición de recarga y ya! Se aplicarán las tarifas de envío regular.

Recursos del paciente

Nos esforzamos para satisfacer sus necesidades, tanto en la farmacia y por la red. Nuestra página de red es una gran herramienta de recursos para casi cualquier tema o medicamento. Vea nuestros videos y lea artículos diarios o utilice nuestra función de búsqueda en nuestra página de Recursos del paciente. Encontró un gran artículo? Comparta artículos y videos directamente a su cuenta de red social. También ofrecemos la posibilidad de comprobar las interacciones entre medicamentos e identificar pastillas.

Preparación de medicamentos

A compounding pharmacy makes custom medication tailored to individual needs. For example:
  • If you are allergic to an inactive ingredient in a prescribed medication, such as a preservative or dye, our pharmacist can make that medication without the inactive ingredient.
  • If your child cannot swallow pills, we can make a liquid option that she can ingest more easily.
  • If you take hormones, your body may react better to bioidentical hormone therapy.
  • Having trouble giving your pet their medication? Bring in your pet’s scripts from your veterinarian and we’ll compound a medication specific to their needs that will be easy to take and your pets will love.
At Gregg's Pharmacy, our focus is on your health and wellness. Talk to our pharmacist about using compounding to tailor your medication to your unique needs. Together with your doctor, we can find a treatment that works for you.

Recargas de medicamento

Acceda a las recetas de su familia donde quiera que esté. Ofrecemos 4 maneras convenientes para solicitar una recarga:
1. Denos una llamada con el número de receta que desea rellenar y nosotros le avisaremos cuando esté listo.
2. Crear una cuenta en nuestra página de red para su familia. Haga click en Regístrarse hoy y comience el proceso de registro. Cuando usted haya creado una cuenta, usted será capaz de iniciar sesión, ver sus recetas activas y pedir recarga. ¡Así de fácil!
3. Sin registración, puede utilizar la opción de Recarga Rápida que se encuentra en nuestra página principal en la red para una recarga breve. T
4. Utilice nuestra aplicación móvil para recargar sus recetas donde sea.

Dr. Comfort Shoes and Anodyne Shoes

Healthier, happier feet start with the most comfortable shoes. We are pleased to offer Dr. Comfort and Anodyne diabetic shoes. Dr. Comfort Shoes and Anodyne Shoes come in a variety of beautiful styles - all providing the most comfortable fit for your feet and your lifestyle. Multiple members of our staff are certified shoe fitters to ensure your foot care needs are met. Additionally, we have staff members accredited through the American Diabetes Association as diabetes educators to assist with your diabetes treatment plan.

Multiple Medication Packaging

  • Taking your medications as your doctor prescribed helps keep you healthy and safe!
  • If you take multiple medications throughout the day, you know how much effort goes into keeping your pills – and your schedule – organized.
  • Let Gregg’s Pharmacy organize your medicine for you with Dispill Multi- Dose blister packs. When you enroll in this innovative service, our pharmacist places the pill you need for each dose into individual packets. Our labels make it easy to identify when to take your pills because each cell has the date and time. The label can also be color coded to make it easier to visually identify the time of day.
  • Our pharmacists carefully select dosage times to avoid drug interactions and preventable side effects.
  • “Did I take my medications today...or was that yesterday?” Sound familiar? Blister packs are tamper proof so you know if you’ve taken today’s dose or not!
  • Our pharmacists will manage all of your refills automatically so you don’t have to - no more calling the doctor and waiting for refills.
  • Your medications are automatically refilled every month.
  • Your medications are organized in a blister pack with morning, noon, evening, and bedtime dosages.
  • Each blister pack lists each of your medications, separated by dosage time, description of pill, prescribing doctor, and why you are taking it.
  • Any over-the-counter items, like aspirin or vitamins, may be placed in your blister pack with your other medications.
  • Blister packs are prepared four weeks at a time, which means only one trip to the pharmacy per month!
  • What if my doctor changes my medications but I’m not due for a new blister pack yet? Bring in your blister pack and we will make the appropriate adjustments.
  • What if I have multiple doctors - how will they know if I have a medication change? We’re on it! Our pharmacists will keep your doctors up-to-date on all of your medication changes.
  • What if I can’t make it to the pharmacy to pick up my new blister pack? No problem! For a small fee, we can deliver in the Oakland/Mtn. Lake Park area or the Terra Alta area.
  • What if I can’t remember to take my medications in my blister pack? Electronic medication boxes with alarms are available for purchase instead of blister packs.

Medicare Open Enrollment

For Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, Open Enrollment happens each year from October 15 to December 7. Open Enrollment is an opportunity for you to switch insurance coverage to a plan that best suits your needs.

Understanding Medicare prescription plans can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services publishes online tools to help you understand plan changes and provides a 24/7 Medicare hotline (800-633- 4227 and 877-486- 2048 for TTY) to answer your questions.

A third option is to talk to a trusted advisor who cares about your family’s health. Ali Gregg will meet with people 65 and over during open enrollment to help them pick a Medicare D Plan that is right for them.

Stop by our pharmacy to talk through your Medicare options. While we can’t recommend a specific plan, our pharmacist can define insurance terms using language that makes sense and discuss how a plan could affect your costs, coverage, and preferred pharmacy.


Whether you need an annual flu shot or a series of vaccines for an upcoming adventure, stop by Gregg's Pharmacy for a convenient way to protect yourself against various diseases.

Our pharmacist has been certified by the American Pharmacists Association to administer immunizations right here in our pharmacy.

We offer CDC-recommended immunizations that may include influenza, shingles, pneumonia, and vaccines for international travel. We can also help your child get the required vaccines for school.

We make it easy for you to keep up with routine immunizations because we want you, your family, and everyone in the community to be at their best. Stop by to see our complete list of offerings.
  • Flu
  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella
  • Pneumococcal
  • Shingles
  • Hep B or Hep A/B
  • Tdap or TD
  • Meningococcal
  • HPV
  • Travel vaccines


Medication Therapy Management

Getting the right medication at the right time is critical to your health, whether you are recovering from an accident or managing an ongoing condition. Let Gregg's Pharmacy help you make sure your medications are working their best for you.

If you take multiple medications, ask us about a comprehensive medication review. Many health care plans, including some Medicare and Medicaid plans, cover medication review costs. During this review, we will discuss your current medication schedule, look for concerns, such as therapy duplications or conflicts, and answer your questions. We will also look for cost- saving alternatives to your current regimen. You will leave our pharmacy with an updated medication list and a personalized action plan so you can achieve the best results.

This service is a good option for people who take multiple medications and people who have chronic conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure. Let us help you get the tools you need to live a healthier life.