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Results for search "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)".

Health News Results - 24

Seizures Could Play Role in Sudden Unexplained Deaths Among Toddlers

Most people have heard of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), where babies die during sleep for reasons that aren't always clear.

But every year, about 400 cases of similar "sudden unexplained deaths in children" (SUDC) occur in the United States among a slightly older age group -- toddlers.

New research, involving video from baby monitors and security cameras, may reveal a cause f...

Keeping Baby Safe: Follow These Tips to Lower Sleep Risks

It's always a good time to check your baby's sleep space.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has released its annual report on the topic, showing that risks associated with nursery products continue to be high. More than 160 babi...

Breastfeeding Tied to Big Reduction in Infant Deaths

Experts have long recommended breastfeeding for its many benefits for infants, but a new study puts a hard number on breast milk's lifesaving effects.

Breastfeeding is associated with a 33% reduction in infant deaths in the first year, according to the study of nearly 10 million U.S. babies.

The research looked at babies born in 48 states and Washington, D.C. between 2016 and 2018...

Research Helps Uncover Causes of SIDS

Researchers have found another clue as to why some infants die suddenly in their sleep, and it's related to a faulty chemical receptor in the brainstem.

Experts said the findings provide another puzzle piece in understanding the root causes of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

By examining autopsied brain tissue, researchers found that a particular chemical receptor was altered ...

A Primer on Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths

Sleep-related infant deaths are one of the leading causes of non-natural infant deaths, but a pediatric expert offers advice for keeping babies safe when they're sleeping.

"Sleep position and sleep environment are very important factors to look at when thinking about infant sleep safety,"said Angie Hayes...

Pandemic May Have Caused U.S. Spike in SIDS Deaths in Black Families

During the first year of the pandemic, the United States saw a spike in the number of Black infants who died suddenly -- worsening a longstanding disparity, a new government study finds.

The increase was seen in what's called sudden unexpected infant death, or SUID. It's a term used when a baby younger than 1 year dies from no immediately obvious cause, often during sleep. SUID includes c...

Smoking in Pregnancy Greatly Raises Odds for SIDS in Newborns

Infants exposed to maternal smoking during pregnancy are more than five times more likely to die unexpectedly compared to babies of nonsmokers, a new study says.

"The message is simple. Smoking greatly elevates the risk of sudden unexpected infant death," said lead study author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 30, 2023
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  • Siblings of Babies Who Died of SIDS May Also Face Higher Risk

    Researchers have long struggled to figure out what causes a seemingly healthy baby to die suddenly in the first year of life, with an array of possible genetic and environmental factors to choose from.

    Now a large, Danish study has found that in families where one child has succumbed to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a younger sibling's risk appears to quadruple.

    "I am not ver...

    Infant Head-Shaping Pillows Are Useless and Dangerous to Baby, FDA Warns

    Infant head-shaping pillows are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and should not be used, the agency warned Thursday.

    The pillows can create an unsafe sleep environment for infants, potentially contributing to the risk of suffocation and death.

    Marketed as changing an infant's head shape or symmetry or claiming to treat other medical conditions, they have no demo...

    Declutter That Crib: 'Bare Is Best' for Baby's Safe Sleep

    When putting baby to bed, skip the cozy comforters, stuffed animals and pillows.

    The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) says bare is best -- just a sheet. And, it urges, always put baby down for a rest in products specifically designed for their sleep, including cribs, bassinets and play yards.

    "What is comfortable for the way adults sleep, isn't

  • By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 18, 2022
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  • Updated Infant Sleep Guidelines: No Inclined Products, Bed-Sharing

    New infant sleep guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) stress that parents make sure their infants sleep alone on their back on a flat surface and not in bed with mom or dad.

    In addition, th...

    New Clues to Sudden Unexplained Deaths in Young Kids

    Every year in the United States, a few hundred children die suddenly and without explanation. Now researchers have found gene variants that may contribute to some of those tragic deaths.

    The hope, experts said, is that understanding the underlying mechanisms will eventually lead to ways to save lives.

    Since the 1990s, the term

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 28, 2021
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  • Sharing Bed With Baby: Dangerous, and It Won't Boost 'Attachment,' Study Shows

    Whether to share your bed with your infant at night has been the subject of heated debate: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises against it, recommending room-sharing but not bed-sharing, while others promote the practice as part of an idea called attachment parenting.

    Now, a new study finds bed-sharing did nothing to boost mother-infant bonding.

    "I wanted to study this i...

    Why a Newborn's First Breath Is So Important

    New research on what happens as a newborn is delivered and takes its first breath may shed light on a potential contributor to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    A team led by doctors from the University of Virginia School of Medicine discovered a signaling system within the brainstem that activates almost immediately at birth to support early breathing.

    The findings help re...

    An Expert's Guide to Safe Sleeping for Your Baby

    To keep your baby safe while sleeping, experts recommend practicing the "ABCs" of sleep.

    Babies should sleep alone, on their back and in a crib. That's the best way to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    SIDS is the unexplained death of a child under 1 year of age that usually occurs during sleep. The United States has about 3,500 sleep-relate...

    Baby in Your Room, Not in Your Bed: Good Advice, but Are Parents Listening?

    Parents have long been told that babies should sleep in their own crib to reduce the risk of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), yet nearly 1 in 5 infant are still sleeping in their parent's bed, a new study finds.

    To decrease the risk of SUID, or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents share their room with their baby until ...

    Pregnant Moms Who Smoke, Drink Put Babies at Risk of SIDS: Study

    Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol may put their babies at higher odds for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a new government study finds.

    After the first trimester of pregnancy, women who both smoked and drank increased the risk for SIDS nearly 12 times. For those who continued to smoke, SIDS risk rose fivefold, and for those who continued to drink, the risk wa...

    Is Timing Everything for SIDS Risk?

    New research suggests that a baby's age may offer clues to sudden unexplained infant death (SUID) -- formerly known as SIDS.

    The study identified two unique groups of babies who died from SUID -- one who died within a week of birth, and another who died later on.

    "SUID is a term that encompasses SIDS, unknown causes of death and accidental suffocation in bed." explained st...

    Many Parents Not Following Safe-Sleep Advice for Babies

    Many U.S. parents are not heeding recommendations on how to put their babies to sleep safely, a new government study finds.

    Most babies are being placed on their backs to sleep -- one of the key ways to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), the study found.

    But relatively few parents are following some other recommendations: Less than one-third said they o...

    Secrets to Soothing a Cranky Baby Safely

    Trying to calm a cranky baby can be stressful for parents, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has an important caution about what not to do.

    Don't place baby in a so-called "sleep positioner," "nest" or "anti-roll" device, because of the suffocation risk. Babies have died after rolling from side to tummy and being unable to breathe. While some of these devices had been cleared...

    Putting Your Child to Sleep in a Car Seat Can Be Deadly

    A car seat is the safest place for an infant while traveling in a car. But putting your baby to sleep in a portable car seat at home can be deadly, a new study warns.

    Over a decade, nearly 12,000 babies in the United States died while sleeping -- about 3% of them while in an "infant sitting device," such as a car seat, stroller, swing or infant seat, according to the stud...

    Babies Still Dying Due to Unsafe Sleep Practices

    The death of a baby is always tragic, but safe sleep practices could have prevented some recent suffocation deaths, new research claims.

    The study found two factors appeared to be behind a majority of infant deaths by suffocation:

    • A baby not sleeping on his or her back.
    • A baby sleeping in an adult bed.

    "Although this is a small proportion of su...

    Pediatricians' Group Calls for Recall of 'Rock 'n Play' Sleeper After Infant Deaths

    Fisher-Price's Rock 'n Play Sleeper has been linked to dozens of infant deaths and should be recalled immediately, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) said Tuesday.

    The inclined sleeper has been associated with 32 sleep-related infant deaths, according to a new Consumer Reports analysis.

    Along with urging a recall by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (C...

    Smoking While Pregnant Sends SIDS Risk Soaring

    Smoking during pregnancy is never a good idea, but new research shows it might double the risk of a baby dying from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    "Any maternal smoking during pregnancy -- even just one cigarette a day -- doubles the risk of sudden unexpected infant death [SUID, another term for unexplained infant deaths]," said lead researcher Tatiana Anderson. She is a fellow...