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Results for search "Bone / Joint / Tendon Problems".

Health News Results - 66

When Your Knee Cartilage Wears Out, a 'Biomaterial' Might Help Replace It

A newly developed biomaterial might be able to treat crippling arthritis by prompting the growth of new cartilage, a new animal study suggests.

The bioactive material looks like rubbery goo, but it’s actually a complex biological stew designed to mimic natural cartilage in the body, researchers said.

The biomaterial successfully regenerated high-quality cartilage in the knee ...

Had a Joint Replaced? Your Infection Risk May Rise After Chemotherapy

If you're one of the millions of Americans walking around with a new knee or hip, your odds for an infection in that joint rise if you ever have to undergo cancer chemotherapy, researchers report.

"Given the number of people of receiving total joint replacements each year, as well as the cost both physically, emotionally and financially for those who develop an infection and may need subs...

Blood Pressure Meds Raise Fracture Risks for Those in Nursing Homes

Blood pressure medications appear to more than double the risk of life-threatening bone fractures among nursing home residents, a new study warns.

The increased risk stems from the drugs' tendency to impair balance, particularly when patients stand up and temporarily experience low blood pressure that deprives the brain of oxygen, researchers reported recently in the journal

Could Double-Jointed Folk Face Higher COVID Risks?

People who are double-jointed might be at increased risk of developing long COVID, a new study reports.

Double-jointed folks are 30% more likely to not fully recover from COVID-19 infection, compared with those who are less flexible, researchers report in the journal BMJ Public Health.

Living Near Green Spaces Could Strengthen Your Bones

Living close to trees and other greenery could be keeping your bones strong, a new 12-year study suggests.

Folks whose residences were near spots deemed "green" by satellite imagery tended to have better bone density than those who lived elsewhere, Chinese researchers found.

Reductions in air pollution seemed key to greenery's benefit for bones, according to a team led by

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 7, 2024
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  • Calcium Crystals in Knee Could Be Worsening Arthritis

    Once considered harmless by doctors, calcium crystal deposits in the knee joint actually can contribute to worsening arthritis, a new study warns.

    CT scans have revealed that calcium crystals in the knee can promote joint damage, wearing away the cartilage that keeps bones from rubbing together, researchers reported recently in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 1, 2024
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  • Rodeo Riders Risk Rough Injuries

    Rodeo riders might make it all look easy, but they're actually participating in one of the most strenuous sports around, experts say.

    As such, folks participating in rodeo need to take steps to protect themselves, just as other athletes do, said Dr. Omar Atassi, an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Baylor College...

    Add Some Impact to Your Exercise to Keep Aging Bones Strong

    Putting a little pressure on your bones during exercise or daily activities might pay off in stronger bones as you age, new research suggests.

    The study focused on a crucial part of the hip joint anatomy called the femoral neck.

    Finnish researchers found that largely sedentary folks ages 70 to 85 maintained or gained bone strength in the femoral neck after a year-long exercise progr...

    Teen Sports Pay Dividends for Bone Health Decades Later

    Teens who are active are doing their bones a lasting favor, Japanese researchers report.

    "Physical exercise in adolescence affects BMD [bone mineral density] more than 50 years later in older adults," said lead researcher Dr. Yoshifumi Tamura, a faculty member at Juntendo University in Tokyo. "Our findings can...

    PFAS Chemicals May Harm Bones of Hispanic Teens

    "Forever"PFAS chemicals appear to harm bone health in Hispanic teenagers, a new study finds.

    The more PFAS chemicals found in the bodies of Hispanic adolescents, the lower their bone density was, researchers report in the Dec. 6 issue of the journal Environmental Research.

    Peak bone mineral density in adolescence helps predict whether a person will develop osteoporosis late...

    Should Folks Get Hip Replacements in Their 90s?

    If you are in your 90s, is hip replacement surgery too dangerous for you?

    That depends, new research shows: While elderly patients have more complications and higher death rates after such a procedure, the surgery can be "appropriately considered."

    That's because the risks for total hip replacement depend not just on patients' age, but also on their overall health and fitness.


    As the Popularity of Pickleball Soars, So Do Related Injuries, Poll Finds

    Pickleball is a hot trend and it's getting folks exercising who haven't been so active in a long time.

    It's also racking up injuries -- both overuse type and acute traumas -- often in those aged 50 and up.

    A new poll suggests these players are forgoing care when they hurt their knees, wrists and rotator cuffs. Sports medicine experts are urging them not to ignore their nagging pain....

    Tough-to-Diagnose Hip Condition Caused Her 'Excruciating Pain' Until She Got a New Type of Surgery

    New York-based physical therapist Brittany Garrett, now 33, was sidelined by excruciating hip pain for close to eight years before she got an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

    She tried physical therapy to improve her flexibility, among other treatments, but nothing seemed to help. The former volleyball player's pain was so intense that it was getting in the way of her career an...

    Weight-Loss Surgery Could Bring Weaker Bones to Teens

    Weight-loss surgery can have a lot of benefits for obese teens and young adults.

    But a new study finds a concerning side effect. Young people who had sleeve gastrectomy, the most common obesity surgery, also had weakened bones.

    That doesn't mean they shouldn't get the operation, said lead author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 13, 2023
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  • Low-Dose Colchicine Might Prevent or Delay Knee, Hip Replacements

    An anti-inflammatory drug that has been around for over 2,000 years might help delay a very modern problem: hip and knee replacements.

    That's the suggestion of a new study finding that older adults who used the drug -- called colchicine -- were less likely to need hip or knee replacement surgery over the next two years, versus those given placebo pills.

    The study, published May 30 i...

    What Is Avascular Necrosis and How Does It Affect Bones?

    What happens when the blood supply to your bones is somehow damaged?

    The condition has a name, avascular necrosis, and it can trigger the death of bone cells.

    Other common names are osteonecrosis or bone infarction. Bone is alive and requires nourishment from the blood supply to stay healthy. If the blood supply is not restored to the bone, small cracks develop and the bone can fra...

    Bone Up on Osteoporosis & Your Bone Health

    It's important to understand your bone health to avoid damage as you age.

    Losses of bone mineral density and bone mass can cause weakening, potentially leading to a fracture, especially in the hip, spine and wrist.

    Osteoporosis is considered a silent disease because it often has no symptoms until someone breaks a bone in an unusual way, according to the Hospital for Special Surgery ...

    Achilles Tendinitis: What Is It, and What Are the Treatments?

    Chronic tendon issues are a frequent source of pain and can limit activity. They become more common with age, weight and certain activities, and early and appropriate diagnosis by a doctor is critical to get the best outcomes.

    The Achilles tendon is the biggest tendon in the human body. It connects the calf to the foot, and it is responsible for push-off power. The tendon is critical for ...

    Does Cracking Your Knuckles Cause Arthritis?

    Have you heard the old wives' tale that knuckle cracking will enlarge your knuckles? What about the one that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis?

    There are many beliefs about this common behavior, but it's time to debunk the myths about knuckle cracking.

    Why do people crack their knuckles?

  • Mandi Harenberg HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 20, 2023
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  • Weaker Bones, Weakening Brain? Study Makes the Connection

    For some older adults, thinning bones may be a harbinger of waning memory, a new study suggests.

    The study, of more than 3,600 older adults, found that those with relatively low bone density were at greater risk of being diagnosed with dementia within the next decade. The one-third of participants with the lowest bone mass at the hip faced double the risk of dementia as the third with the...

    How Soon Can You Resume Tennis, Golf After Shoulder Surgery?

    Returning to golf, tennis or pickleball after shoulder replacement surgery shouldn't be too hard.

    Healing does take time, but within a few months most people can get back to play at their pre-surgery level without the pain that they experienced before, a pair of new studies show.

    "Recovery after both an anatomic and reverse shoulder replacement or from any shoulder replacement is id...

    Arm in a Cast? Exercising the Other Arm Can Curb Muscle Loss

    You can keep an arm in a cast from wasting away, researchers say, by working out your free arm.

    A small group of young men who performed eccentric contraction exercises with one arm -- lowering a dumbbell in a slow and controlled motion -- saw a 4% strength improvement in the other arm, even though it was immobilized by a cast at the elbow.

    Another group assigned to perform concentr...

    Polluted Air May Speed Osteoporosis Bone Loss

    Exposure to elevated levels of air pollutants is associated with bone damage in postmenopausal women, according to a new study that said the effects were most evident on the lumbar spine.

    High levels of niitrogen oxides in air nearly doubled the effects of normal aging on bone density in the spine, said researchers from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York Cit...

    Sleep Apnea Linked to Weaker Bones, Teeth

    People who have sleep apnea may have another issue to worry about -- weaker bones and teeth.

    Known as low bone-mineral density, the condition is an indicator of osteoporosis and can increase the risk of fractures and cause teeth to become loose and dental implants to fail, according to new research from the University at Buffalo (UB) in New York.

    To study this, researchers used con...

    Doctors' Group Updates Guidelines on Treating Osteoporosis

    As millions of Americans born in the baby boomer generation are already finding out, bone loss is a common sign of aging.

    And now experts at the American College of Physicians (ACP) -- one of the leading groups representing primary care doctors -- is issuing updated guidelines on how best to prevent and treat weakening bones.

    "Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterize...

    Slips, Slides: Winter Injuries Can Be Serious

    Wearing proper gear, watching out for snow and ice hazards, and "walking like a penguin"are just some of the tips that can help prevent winter accidents, one medical expert says.

    "A variety of injuries can occur during the winter,"cautioned Dr. Mahmood Gharib, a physiatrist at the University of Minnesota Medical School, ...

    Take Steps to Protect Your Feet This Winter

    Getting around in winter works best if you're taking good care of the feet that take you places.

    Orthopedic specialists at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City say they often see an uptick in avoidable injuries and foot problems during the winter.

    They offered some tips for winterizing your feet.

    First, make sure your winter shoes and boots still fit.


    It's Snow Season: Stay Safe on the Slopes

    Skiiers and snowboarders, take note: You're less likely to get hurt if you ease back into the winter sports season.

    "We see a lot of patients in the After-Hours Clinic (of the department of orthopaedic surgery) on their way back from skiing and snowboarding,"said Dr. Sabrina Sawlani

    What Surgery Works Best for Arthritic Ankles?

    Patients with advanced ankle osteoarthritis have two surgical options to restore their quality of life, and the good news is a new study shows both have good outcomes.

    Deciding which one is better depends on the patient.

    "Our aim in this trial was to provide the data that patients need to make informed decisions about these operations,"said study author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 15, 2022
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  • Cancer Survivors May Face Higher Risks for Bone Fractures

    Adult cancer survivors, particularly those who have undergone chemotherapy, have an increased risk for serious pelvic and vertebral fractures, new research shows.

    "These findings are important as the number of cancer survivors living in the United States is projected to rise to 26.1 million by 2040. Research like this seeks ways for cancer survivors to have a better quality of life after ...

    Vitamin D Could Help Extend Your Life: Study

    A vitamin D deficiency puts you at risk for more than just weakened bones, a major new study reports.

    Too little vitamin D in your system can increase your overall risk of premature death, as well as your specific risk of dying from cancer, heart disease or lung disease, acco...

    Tips on Keeping Joints Limber, Healthy as You Age

    For many people, it is possible to slow the loss of joint cartilage as they age and avoid surgery to boot.

    Certain steps can help with that, said one orthopedic surgeon from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who offered...

    Sports Like Soccer, Basketball Are Better Than Running for Young People's Bones

    Playing sports can benefit children in many ways, but all sports are not equal when it comes to their bones.

    New research suggests children will have healthier bones if they participate in multidirectional sports such as soccer or basketball, rather than unidir...

    Taking a Shot at Pain Relief After Knee Replacement

    Researchers may have found a new way to help ease the pain of knee replacement surgery: infusing morphine directly into the shin bone.

    The findings come from a recent study of 48 patients undergoing

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 18, 2022
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  • Vegetarian Women at Higher Odds for Hip Fracture

    Record numbers of people are turning to plant-based diets to take advantage of the many health benefits they offer, but this may come at the expense of their bones, a new study suggests.

    Exactly what did researchers find? Middle-aged women who never eat meat may be more likely to break a hip th...

    Many Seniors Love Pickleball, But Injuries Can Happen

    Pickleball has become a wildly popular sport for older Americans, but seniors who enjoy playing it should know about potential injuries and how to avoid them.

    The most common problem is with the rotator cuff tendon in the shoulder, which can cause pain. Issues can included

  • By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 6, 2022
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  • Space Travel Speeds Up Aging, Weakening of Bones

    Astronauts may go to space for weeks or months, and their bones can lose years in that environment.

    Long periods in space can irreparably damage bone structure and cause parts of the human skeleton to age as much as 10 years, new research ...

    Could One Type of Cheese Help Strengthen Your Bones?

    Enjoying just two slices of Jarlsberg cheese every day may help stave off osteoporosis, a small Norwegian study suggests.

    The protective effect of cheese on bone-thinning appears to be an exclusive benefit of Jarlsberg, and a mere 2 ounces a day seems to be enough to protect bone health, the inv...

    Vitamin D Supplements Won't Help Your Bones, Large Study Finds

    Seniors who take vitamin D supplements to improve their bone health and ward off fractures are just wasting their time and money, a major new study has found.

    These supplements did nothing to reduce their average risk of

    Repair or Reconstruction: What's Best for ACL Tears?

    Adults who tear a key ligament in the knee can fare well with a less extensive type of surgery, preliminary research suggests.

    The study involved patients treated for a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a strong band of tissue that helps stabilize the knee joi...

    How Effective (and Safe) Is Shoulder Surgery?

    If your doctor has told you that you need shoulder surgery and you're worried about complications, a new British study indicates you can relax.

    Only 1.2% of more than 260,000 patients suffered from complications following arthroscopic surgery to repair shoulder injuries, the researchers reported. F...

    How Much Will That Hip Replacement Cost? Many Hospitals Still Aren't Saying

    Since January 2021, hospitals have been required to list online the prices for 300 common medical services, but new research has found that only 32% of hospitals have been fully compliant when it comes to knee and hip replacements.

    "Although pricing informat...

    AHA News: Falls Can Be a Serious, Poorly Understood Threat to People With Heart Disease

    Falls pose a major risk to people with heart problems, and health experts need to do more to understand and prevent the danger, a new report says.

    "Falls are very common," said Dr. Sarah Goodlin, senior author of the scientific statement from the American Heart Association. They are associated with serious injuries, and just the fear of falling can limit a person's quality of life.


    Injections of Your Own Fat Could Help Arthritic Hands

    Liposuction typically is used to flatten your stomach or shape up your booty, but a new study argues that it could also help people suffering from arthritis of the fingers.

    Injections of body fat into aching, arthritic finger joints appear to produce significant and lasting improvements in hand function and a decrease in pain, German researchers report in the May issue of the journal

    Obesity Raises a Woman's Odds for Broken Bones

    Being overweight or obese is never good for one's health, but now a new study suggests it increases a woman's risk of broken bones.

    For the study, researchers followed 20,000 women and men, aged 40 to 70, in the Canadian province of Quebec from 2009 until 2016. During a median follow-up of 5.8 years, 497 women and 323 me...

    Having a Hip, Knee Replacement? Some Tips to an Optimal Recovery

    If you're one of the estimated one million Americans having total hip or knee replacement surgery this year, some lifestyle changes might improve your chances of a good outcome, an expert says.

    Lose weight safely through diet and exercise before surgery, said orthopedic surgeon Dr. Matthew Abdel. The ...

    Spring Sprains: Sports Injury Season Begins

    As youth spring sports kick into high gear, it's important to know about injury prevention and treatment, an expert says.

    Injury risks and preventive measures can vary by sport, according to Dr. Marcus Knox, a physical therapist in the department of orthopedic surgery at B...

    Estrogen, Testosterone Deficiencies May Raise Risk of Rotator Cuff Tears

    Lower levels of sex hormones might be tied to tears of the shoulder's rotator cuff in men and women, a new study suggests.

    Among women with low levels of estrogen, researchers found the odds of a rotator cuff tear were 48% higher, compared with women with normal estrogen levels. Among men, the ...

    Menopause May Mean More Sleep Apnea and  Painful Joints

    Sleep apnea may be linked with joint pain and fatigue in postmenopausal women, a new study suggests.

    "This study highlights an opportunity to increase identification of women with OSA [obstructive sleep apnea], which is underdiagnosed in women who often present with vague symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue and morning h...

    Early Trial Offers Hope Treating Rare 'Brittle Bone' Disease

    An experimental drug may help build bone mass in some adults with a rare brittle-bone disease, a small preliminary study suggests.

    The disease is called osteogenesis imperfecta. It's caused by defects in certain genes involved in making collagen -- a key protein in the body's connective tissue. O...