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Results for search "Anesthesia".

Health News Results - 35

Study Supports Safety of High-Dose General Anesthesia

Older adults who avoid surgery because they fear general anesthesia will cause thinking declines need not worry, researchers report.

A study of more than 1,000 patients who had heart surgery at four hospitals in Canada found that the amount of anesthesia used did not affect the risk of delirium after surgery. Post-surgery delirium may contribute to cognitive decline.

How much anesth...

Epidurals Linked to Better Outcomes After Childbirth

Women who get an epidural during delivery appear to have a marked reduction in serious complications the first few weeks after giving birth, a new study shows.

A painkilling epidural can reduce risk by 35% in women for complications like heart attack, ...

Precautions Needed When Folks Taking Ozempic, Wegovy Undergo Anesthesia

Nurses who specialize in anesthesia have issued new guidelines to reduce the risk that patients taking weight-loss drugs like Ozempic or Wegovy throw up during surgery.

"These medications have exploded in popularity," said

  • Carole Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 13, 2024
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  • Wegovy, Ozempic Use Could Complicate Your Surgery

    Weight-loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic can increase a person's risk of throwing up during surgery while under anesthesia, a new study reports.

    People are typically asked to fast prior to surgery because general anesthesia can cause nausea, and they might inhale and choke on their own vomit.

    Unfortunately, part of the way that these drugs, called GLP-1 receptor agonists, help prom...

    Could General Anesthesia in Pregnancy Raise Behavioral Issues in Kids?

    Children exposed to anesthesia in the womb when their pregnant mom has surgery are more likely to suffer from behavioral issues later, a new study finds.

    Exposure to general anesthesia before birth was associated with a 31% increased risk of diagnosis with a behavioral disorder as a child, researchers reported Feb. 29 in the

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 4, 2024
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  • 'High Altitude' Simulations Might Shield Patients Ahead of Surgery

    Surgery coming up? Mimicking the high-altitude breathing of mountaineers might make your procedure safer, a tiny study suggests.

    It's a form of what surgeons call "prehabilitation:" Making a patient's body a bit fitter beforehand to withstand the risks and rigors of surgery.

    Investigators found that exposing patients to reduced oxygen levels ("hypoxia") for a week spurred a rise in ...

    No Sign That Anesthesia in Pregnancy Affects Child's Later Development

    Moms who have had emergency surgery during pregnancy can rest assured that exposure to anesthesia is not linked to developmental issues in their children, a new study reveals.

    While surgery and anesthesia are typically avoided during pregnancy, up to 1% of pregnant women may require it for unexpected health

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 28, 2022
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  • Quieter ORs May Make for Happier Kids After Surgery

    The key to better child behavior after surgery may be a more peaceful operating room.

    "The period before, during and after surgery is a particularly unpredictable time for parents,"explained Nguyen Tram, a research scientist at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

    "By implementing some small measures in the OR, we found we were able to markedly improve some of this unc...

    Marijuana Users May Feel More Post-Surgery Pain: Study

    Folks who regularly use weed could be in for a rocky road if they ever require major surgery, a new study reports.

    Frequent marijuana users tend to experience more pain as they recover from surgery, and they require more opioid drugs (like morphine) to deal with that pain, the researchers found.


    Overworked Anesthesiologists Can Put Surgical Patients at Risk

    Harried, overworked anesthesiologists could be raising hospital patients' risk of death and complications, a new study reports.

    It's not uncommon to have one anesthesiologist directing the anesthesia care for multiple surgeries at the same time, overseeing the work of lower-ranking anesthesia clinicians assi...

    What Anesthesia Works Best for Hip Fracture Surgery?

    Patients who have spinal anesthesia while doctors repair a broken hip have more pain and need more prescription painkillers afterward than those given general anesthesia, a new study finds.

    Spinal anesthesia i...

    'Mental Resilience' May Give Holocaust Survivors an Edge After Surgery

    Holocaust survivors have a lower risk of delirium after surgery than others their age, and a new study suggests it may owe to mental resilience developed in response to their horrific experiences.

    "Given that Holocaust survivors are at increased risk of a range of physical and psycholo...

    Use Pot? You May Need More Sedation During Endoscopies

    If you use pot, you may need more sedation than normal during a gastric endoscopy, according to a new study.

    "Patients didn't have increased awareness or discomfort during procedures, but they did require more drugs," lead author Dr. Yasmin Nasser said in a news release from the American Gastroenterological Association. Nasser is an assistant professor in the Institute for Chronic Disease...

    Medical Marijuana May Offer Safe Pain Relief for Cancer Patients

    Cancer patients who use medical marijuana experience less pain and a better quality of life, Israeli researchers report.

    And, their new study found, these patients were able to rely less on opioid painkillers, with minimal side effects.

    "I hope people pay attention to the results of thi...

    President Biden to Undergo Routine Colonoscopy

    President Joe Biden is undergoing a routine colonoscopy Friday, and will briefly transfer power to Vice President Kamala Harris while he's sedated for the procedure, the White House said.

    The colonoscopy will be part of Biden's first routine physical exam as president, and will take place at Walter Reed National Military Center.

    "As was the case when President George W. Bush had the...

    Routine Ventilation of Surgical Patients Won't Raise COVID Transmission Risk

    Routine face mask ventilation during an operation doesn't increase the surgical team's risk of coronavirus infection, according to a new study.

    Face mask ventilation is typically used for surgical patients under general anesthesia. However, its designation as an "aerosol-generating procedure" by the World Health Organization has altered operating room procedures and efficiency during the ...

    Epidurals Not Linked to Autism in Children

    Pregnant women who receive an epidural to ease their pain during labor aren't any more likely than others to have kids with autism, two new studies show.

    Earlier research suggested this practice may increase autism risk in offspring, but the pair of studies should put this concern to rest for good, experts say.

    "Parents can be reassured that there is no link between using epidurals ...

    How Did New 'Surprise Medical Bill' Laws Affect Your State?

    Anesthesia is a vital part of almost every surgery, but unexpected bills for the service can cause a lot of pain. Now, a new study finds that these costs fell in several states that introduced legislation targeting "surprise" billing.

    "These price declines show that state surprise billing laws both directly lower out-of-network prices and indirectly lower in-network prices, providing evid...

    'Laughing Gas' Shows Promise Against Tough-to-Treat Depression

    When antidepressants fail to rein in hard-to-treat depression, the common anesthetic most know as "laughing gas" might be a safe and effective alternative, new research suggests.

    The finding follows work with 28 patients struggling with "treatment-resistant major depression," a severe condition that investigators say affects about one-third of all patients - an estimated 17 million Americ...

    'Nerve Zap' Pain Treatment Could Cut Need for Opioids After Surgeries

    An emerging technology could zap your post-op pain away -- little or no opioids needed.

    The technique is called percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation. It involves inserting a small wire next to a nerve and using a stimulator to deliver a mild electrical current to the affected area, interrupting pain transmission.

    A team led by Dr. Brian Ilfeld, of the University of California, ...

    Epidural in Delivery Not Linked to Autism: Study

    In news that should reassure many pregnant women, having an epidural during childbirth won't increase the child's risk of autism, researchers report.

    The new findings refute a widely criticized 2020 study that said epidurals were associated with a 37% higher risk of autism.

    Experts said that study didn't account for numerous socioeconomic, genetic and medical risk factors for autism...

    Need an Operation? Here's How COVID Has Changed Surgery

    This year, COVID-19 has made decisions around surgery tougher than ever for folks who may need one. But one major medical group can help provide some answers.

    Top on their list: Is it safe to have surgery right now?

    "It is very safe to have surgery, especially with all of the precautions in place," said Dr. Beverly Philip, president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)...

    'Awareness' Under C-Section Anesthesia May Be Less Rare Than Thought

    It's a woman's worst nightmare: You're having a C-section under anesthesia, but you suddenly become aware of what is happening during your surgery.

    Now, a new study shows that phenomenon, known as "accidental awareness," is more common than believed. In fact, it may occur in 1 in 256 women who have obstetric surgery and some may suffer long-term psychological harm.

    Accidental a...

    Epidurals During Childbirth Tied to Autism Risk

    Children whose mothers were given an epidural during labor may face a slightly heightened risk of autism, a large, new study suggests.

    Researchers found that the rate of autism was a little higher among those kids, versus their peers whose mothers did not get epidural pain relief during childbirth: 1.9% versus 1.3%.

    The reasons for the difference are not yet known. A...

    During and After Surgery, Pot Users Need More Anesthesia, Painkillers: Study

    Marijuana users appear to need more anesthesia than nonusers, and also more opioids to relieve their pain after surgery, a new, preliminary study reports.

    Users of cannabis products who had surgery for a broken leg required higher doses of sevoflurane, an inhaled anesthetic that keeps you asleep during a procedure. These folks also required nearly 60% more opioid painkillers per d...

    Breastfeeding OK After Mom Has Anesthesia, Experts Say

    It's perfectly safe to breastfeed after a mom receives anesthesia, new British medical guidelines say.

    And she can start as soon as she's alert and able to do so, according to just-published guidelines from the U.K. Association of Anaesthetists.

    "The guidelines say there is no need to discard any breast milk due to fear of contamination, since evidence shows that anesthetic...

    Doctors' Choice of Anesthesia Could Help Curb Climate Change

    Anesthesiologists can help save the planet, a new study suggests.

    Increased use of regional anesthesia instead of general anesthesia may help reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, according to researchers at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.

    Unlike general anesthesia, regional anesthesia doesn't use volatile halogenated agents, ...

    Surgery? One Type of Anesthesia Is Preferable During COVID-19 Outbreak

    No one wants to be in the hospital during the coronavirus pandemic, but people who need emergency surgery may have no choice.

    If that's the case for you or a loved one, ask about using regional anesthesia. That's the advice of experts from the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) and the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy.


    What You Need to Know About Outpatient Surgery

    It's highly likely that you'll undergo outpatient surgery one day, and there are several things you should know about such procedures, says the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA).

    Nearly 50 million outpatient surgeries are performed in the United States each year.

    "Complex procedures like total knee replacement, cardiology procedures and spine surgery used to be don...

    General Anesthesia Boosts Postpartum Depression Risk After C-Section: Study

    Women who receive general anesthesia during a cesarean section delivery are at higher risk of severe postpartum depression that requires hospitalization, as well as self-inflicted harm and suicidal thoughts, a new study finds.

    Researchers from Columbia University analyzed more than 428,000 discharge records of women who delivered by C-section in New York state hospitals between 2006 a...

    Surgery Is Far Too Often Fatal for Kids in Poor Nations

    Kids in poor countries are up to 200 times more likely to die after surgery than kids in rich nations, a new study finds.

    As the need for pediatric surgery grows in poor and moderate-income countries, it leaves 2 billion children without access to safe surgery and anesthesia, said researcher Dr. Mark Newton. He's a pediatric anesthesiologist at Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital a...

    One Man's False Teeth Got 'Lost' in His Throat After Surgery

    Scheduled for surgery? Don't forget to take your dentures out.

    According to a new report, one 72-year-old man who had abdominal surgery in England swallowed his dentures during the procedure.

    They got stuck in his throat -- and were only discovered eight days later.

    The initial surgery was to remove a harmless lump in the man's abdominal wall. But because of the d...

    Surgery Not a Relapse Risk for MS Patients

    Surgery is safe for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study finds.

    "The idea that patients with MS might be at an increased risk of relapse following surgery isn't necessarily the case, so we need to be careful delaying important surgeries," said study first author Dr. Lindsey De Lott. She is an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor.


    Patient Catches on Fire During Heart Surgery

    Having emergency heart surgery is always risky, but a new case report reveals an unexpected danger: A flash fire ignited a man's chest during such a procedure.

    A 60-year-old man underwent lifesaving heart surgery for a torn aorta, the main artery that carries blood away from the heart.

    The patient had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and had undergone a heart byp...

    Up to 1 Hour of General Anesthesia Safe for Infants: Study

    Infants who are given general anesthesia for an hour are unlikely to suffer harm, but the safety of longer and repeated exposure remains unknown, a new study says.

    Among more than 700 infants in seven countries, the researchers didn't find any measurable neurodevelopmental or behavioral problems up to the age of 5.

    "Nearly half the general anesthetics given to infants are us...